Sunday, November 14, 2010

November Update: Windows of Opportunity

Greetings from Budapest,

Over three months have passed since I have arrived and become a conversational English teacher at Trefort Agoston. I teach nine groups of students, ranging from ninth grade to thirteenth grade and beginner to advanced.

The first three months have been a learning period for me as I try to understand the Hungarian school system and teaching – it’s coming to me slowly. At the same time, it has been an important time for me to create opportunities to build relationships with teachers and students. And boy, have those opportunities taken shape!

First, my love for baking has been able to start a lot of conversations in the English teachers’ office. Soon after I arrived, I decided to bring in a baked good at the beginning of every month. My colleagues have enjoyed this; in fact, they look forward to it every month just as much as I do. This opportunity has helped me break down that initial barrier between strangers. I’ve found out that many of the teachers have a love for baking and cooking as well, and it has given me the chance to swap recipes and learn cooking tips.

The second opportunity came with my students. Sharon Bauer, Jack Ippel, and I started an after school English club that the students have dubbed JUBAIP – figure that one out. It’s an hour and a half a week of homemade American treats, fun activities, and English conversation. It has been an amazing time to hang out with the students and to get to know them more. On October 26, we celebrated Halloween with pumpkin carving and a costume contest – it was a big hit! Jack pointed out that the most important thing about JUBAIP is that it is a comfortable place for the students to talk and spend time with their friends instead of sitting at home and playing computer games or doing some other mindless activity.

Being able to call Budapest home has taken time; however, these windows of opportunities have brought a comforting breeze into my life and have helped me find God’s peace here.
Thank you all for your constant thoughts and prayers, and bearing with me as I figure out what it means to be a missionary with supporters. My blog will continue to grow as I continue opening

windows, so please stop by and stay awhile:

May the Lord’s face shine upon you,


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