Sunday, April 17, 2011


Discipline in a classrom rests on a little blue book - the Ellenőrző (pronunciationish: ellen - nuh - r - zuh). If a student is misbehaved, you give them a verbal warning. If they continue to misbehave you ask for their Ellenőrző (LBB)

This little blue book is the parent - teacher - head teacher connection. A teacher takes the book and writes a note in it. If the sutdent doesn't have his/her LBB, well, tough luck:

A teacher cannot send a student out of the classroom.

A teacher cannot send a student to the head master.

A teacher cannot repremand a student with no LBB.

Besides all that, a taken LBB means the student is already in trouble, so, why stop? Honestly, a student said that to me: "You already took my Ellenőrző so why should I stop?"

It is during moments that involve the LBB that I consider quitting.

Fortunately, those moments pass.

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