Wednesday, October 12, 2011

U.S.A. - United Students of Angol

Jack and I have successfully kicked off our English club this year and each week it is gaining steam. 

The first week the die hard core of English Clubbers from last year came (7 people); they brainstormed ideas for the name of this year's club. The next club day our group grew a little (12); we played a name-game and voted on this year's club name: United Students of Angol. Today our group grew even more (18); we made signs to advertise and played Never Have I Ever.

Both Jack and I like how the club is developing, and personally, I'm really excited about it. It's a great mix that ranges from 9th graders to 13th graders and beginners to advanced level students. Many connections with the students have already been made and we can see possibilities for great friendships forming.

Something I've loved seeing is that two beginner students have plunged head first into English club and they are loving it! It's makes my day to see a huge smile on either of their faces when they are enjoying a game and using English at the same time; both of these students were taught their English ABC's at the beginning of September. Another day maker is seeing some of these 'baby' ninth graders talking to and hanging out with some of the 'big-dawg-on-campus' 13th graders that they have met at U.S.A.

We are very fortunate this year/semester to have someone come to the club to help out. Digression: The focus of Calvin College's semester in Budapest this year is service learning so every student is given a volunteer position someplace in Budapest. One of the college students has been placed at our school, and she comes every week to help at school and at U.S.A. Back on track: She has been a huge help and has been able to connect really well with some of the students. It has also been good for the female students to have a female American presence.

In the next couple months there will be a lot of exciting English club events happening (Halloween club, Christmas club, Movie Night Club) and I hope to remember to bring my camera to them so I can give you more pictures than of one of the signs a student made - a sweet sign to say the least!

If anyone has any great, fun group games or activities that we could play at U.S.A. please let me know! Jack and I are always always always looking for ideas for the club.

1 comment:

  1. Love the club name. So creative.
    Keep these updates coming-- you're doing a great job :)
